Executive pocket guidebook: Summary of state of art ideas in making organizations more successful by Graham Little
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Executive pocket guidebook: Summary of state of art ideas in making organizations more successful.

The OPD theory* and the link between organization strategy and staff performance is the first significant change in the fundamental structure of insight into human performance since Hawthorn experiments near 100 years ago. Just as better engineering science enables better technology that builds better bridges (or washing machines or computers), so better social science enables better social technology that builds better organizations making them more effective.

The Executive pocket guidebook is designed as a short and easily read link between what has been traditional and typical of global HR thinking and the new, improved ideas in the OPD theory and the technology derived from it.

The ideas from OPD focus on minds as the driver of organizational success: Guiding it to work in each mind results in it working in the organization, which is treated as a collection of minds focused in a particular manner. The central aspect of the psychological theory from which the OPD organizational theory is derived is personal choice. If the ideas work in one mind, they will work in many if and only if the person chooses to make it work. The system is proved in many, many minds and hence organizations. It works. And in working proves the adage that there is nothing more useful than a good theory.

Read the Executive pocket guidebook, as the introduction and link into this new system of ideas on making organizations more effective. Then explore the other books in the series to build your insight and skills as a leader in your organization.

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* See Amazon for books on the OPD theory, particularly Rollout as the foundation book in the series. Also refer to the academic papers by Nel and Little in the appendix.