OPD-HCD™ glossary and terms of trade

"HR was initiated around 1920 arising from Hawthorne experiments. There has never been a scientific theory of psychology. If anyone thinks that fully integrating people into an organization, and then integrating the person in the organization back into the life of the person, such that there were no conflicts, deep full understanding of what all level of leadership needs to do to get solid performance at work ...if anyone thinks that was ever going to be simple, not require thought, and some significant learning to get one's head around it ... I do not quite know what to call them, but stupid comes to mind."
Graham Little, Auckland 2021.

Ashby diagram: Expresses the cybernetic principle that if B changes as A changes, then the must be a communication channel A→B, where the arrow means 'has an effect on'. Refer W. Ross Ashby, global founder of cybernetics.

Ashby tools: Fundamental tools of reasoned thinking referred to as conceptualization. (1) Define the system under study. (2) Select the variables indicative of the operation of the mechanisms in the system. (3) Primary operations of placing a perturbation on one variable and see how changes flows through the system of variables. (4) Order the variables into an Ashby diagram reflecting the mechanism of the system, that is how the system works.

Assumption: The foundation of OPD-HCD™. That an organization is a system compromising people in an environment. That the HRKPIs are crucial scientific variables reflecting the operation of the system, specifically human team performance. That by maintaining the HRKPIs to standard the team will perform with greatest chance of greatest success at achieving the KPIs assigned the team from the organisation strategy.

Audits: Part of OPD-HCD™ providing clients on the HRKPIs ratings so guiding which HRKPIs to improve to improve team performance.

Better science→better technology→better result: The foundation principle of all human development throughout all history and prehistory. All human nature is development, adopting and implementation of ideas that offer improved life experience. OPD-HCD™ rests on the exact same principle.

Behavioral structure: The sum of all ideal actions relative to a strategy. Role of CEO is to oversee behavioral structure clearly identified, and then acted out to standard. If it is and results not achieved, it is not fault of people.

Business case: The before and after results of OPD-HCD™ implementation in a client. The client business case the foundation of the contract with OPD. Implementation assigned the Business Partner.

Business Partner: The OPD Certified contractor authorised to implement OPD-HCD™ in the client and achieve the agreed improvement in financial and staff satisfaction goals.

Continuation: Retention of the Business Partner after the initial implementation of OPD-HCD™ to guide the client with changes in staff, market, or the economy.

Client support: The team certified by OPDI to provide data processing and guidance to client Facilitators on the next actions to be taken in a client to improve the client financial and staff satisfaction results. Client Support does not interact directly with clients and will only advise the certified Facilitator.

Client audits: Conducted by OPDI exploring client satisfaction. OPDI only intervenes with a Business Partner when client audits are below standard.

Facilitator: The person certified by OPDIO as OPDQF, and competent to implement OPD-HCD™ within a client.

Face not fit: The case where tension arises between client and Facilitator, resolved by Business Partner. OPDI and client selecting another Facilitator.

Financial payback: The improved financial results arising from implementation of OPD-HCD™ and specified in the business case.

Fee payable in advance: OPD terms of trade, a monthly fee is calculated in the business case to implement OPD-HCD™, the fee is monthly paid in advance.

Fee distribution: All client fees paid into an OPDI clearing account then distributed as agreed to the those involved.

Game Plan: The active plan adopted by a person arising from implementation of OPD-HCD™ whereby the person manages themselves at work.

Global competitive advantage: The advantage of OPD-HCD™ over all existing systems in being science based.

Goal cascade: Strategy is accepted as a complex goal, especially when viewed over a short period such as a year. The goal cascade is then the flow of goals to every person, becoming more detailed as it flows down the organization, to define what each person must do to make the contribution of their assigned role to achievement of strategy.

Goal action principle: The principle that for every goal there are actions that must be carried out if the goal is to be achieved.

HRKPIs: Human resources key performance indicators. The set of criteria selected by OPDI as most representing the issues to be managed to enable improve team performance.

HCD: Human capital development. HRKPIs measure the critical variables most closely defining team performance. Action to improve those variables is human capital development.

HCD reports: Reports on HRKPIs and perhaps factors in a team, guiding Facilitator and team leader action to improve the reports.

HCM: Human capital management. Refers to the overall process of managing people at work, from salary to maternity leave. The performance management component is a very small component within the HCM system.

HCD Committee: The committee with a client with responsibility of managing the link between strategy and the daily behavior of employees. OPD-HCD™ is the primary tool of the HCD Committee.

Ideal actions: Those action offering the greatest change of greatest goal success. Ideal actions do not guarantee success, but if not done, they guarantee failure.

Ideas the set of the sail, emotions the wind in the sail: The fundamental understanding all humans. Derived from the spiritual model of humanity conceptualised by applying Ashby tools to create an Ashby diagram of the system 'person-in-their-environment'. The Ashby diagram the theory of the mechanisms internal to the system whereby the system exhibits all characteristics and produces all outputs. OPD-HCD™ is derived by applying the Ashby diagram of a person-in-their-environment specifically to the system person-at-work. It is best to understand the system 'person-at-work' as a system within the greater system 'person-in-their-environment'. It is this understanding of 'work', within 'life' that makes CSR Policy so very important for long term community acceptance.

Increased work-life fulfilment: Three crucial aspects: (1) CSR Policy where the citizen meets the employee. (2) Corporate policy of pay, leave, etc. (3) Where people feel recognised, where their daily delivery of ideal actions recognised, and where success of those action draw applause from the leadership. OPD-HCD™ presses hard with (1) and (3).

Knowledge lies in the answer, wisdom in the next question: The way of thinking encouraged by OPDI, derived from the way of thinking that contributed to the Ashby diagram of a person in their environment ... take nothing for granted ... beware buried assumptions ... look for things unexpected ... there is always a fishhook ... OPD-HCD™ leads to all team thinking and reasoning such as to manage the fishhooks.

KPI: Key performance indicator. The link between staff daily action and the strategy from which the KPI derived.

Management: Detailed focus on the set of the sail. OPD-HCD™ does that via role specification, time budgets leading to game plans being kept top of mind.

Leadership: Getting more wind in the sail. Building positive proactive drive in a team. Best done by good management of the team, then recognise team success.

Management much more important than leadership: If people clearer in mind, and do it, they will get a better result at the same level of effort. This makes management much more important than leadership. Effort will lift naturally as people find they like succeeding but compounded greatly by the leadership recognising people for both their effort and success.

MBWA: The team leader must manage by walking around looking for ideal action and the standard with which they are acted out. This places emphasis on the team leader knowing what the team should be doing and the standard of conduct to achieve the assigned KPIs.

Mechanisms: Imagine a box, it is the 'system-under-study'. Inputs are processed in the box and converted to outputs. The processes of conversion are defined as the mechanisms of the system-under-study. Because always the link between mind and objects of mind are referred to as perceptual fields, they are the variable definition of the arrow in an Ashby diagram, the means where selected variables have an effect one on another. An Ashby diagram is thus the conceptualisation using Ashby tool of the mechanisms whereby the system-under-study converts inputs into outputs.

Necessity and causality: Necessity is defined as the operation of mechanisms in a system-under-study converting inputs into outputs. Causality is the use of Ashby tools to produce an Ashby diagram as a theory of the mechanisms in the system, such a theory is our knowledge of the operation of the mechanism that convert inputs into outputs such as to define our understanding of the causality. An Ashby diagram is defined as the causality of the system and is our knowledge of the necessity inherent in the system. The spiritual model of humanity is an Ashby diagram of the system, person-in-their-environment. OPD-HCD™ is derived by applying the spiritual model of humanity to the system person-at-work, thus is our understanding of the causal factors driving people at work, with HRKPIs being the scientific variables used to manage the system person-at-work. CSR Policy then intervenes as a crucial variable potentially disruptive to operation of the system person-at-work, due factors drawn from the broader environment of the community, the full complexity expressed in the Ashby diagram, [community of {people (at work) in their life}]. It is exceedingly complex as a system, while simultaneously exceedingly complex intellectually, demanding full review of the structure and tools and of global social science, much of which implicates our depth of understanding of science, which necessarily involves understanding of the foundations of human knowledge. This latter, uncovered by Graham Little, is called the reflexive criteria, based on the proposition that people produce knowledge, therefore any theory of people must fully account for its own existence.

OPDQF: OPD Qualified Facilitator. A certification by OPDI that the person is competent to implement OPD-HCD™ within a client and achieve result consistent with the agreed business case.

OPDQAM: OPD Qualified Account Manager. A certification by OPDI that a person is competent to work with a client and facilitator, in management of OPD-HCD™ within the client in presentation of OPD-HCD™ to new clients.

OPD-HCD™: The system derived from all the above, that when implemented in the clients delivers the payback as per the business case and agreed increases in staff satisfaction.

Ownership of clients: Strictly it is the reverse. If a client is dissatisfied, they discuss with Business Partner, if still dissatisfied, they have the right to come direct to OPDI. It is fully the responsibility of OPDI to oversee client satisfaction. OPDI then engages with Business Partner to correct client dissatisfaction.

Ownership of data: OPD system used on contract. All data is owned by OPDI. On request OPDI will print out any data as required.

Payment monthly in advance: The business case converts fees into a single monthly subscription. This is paid monthly in advance and distributed by OPDI to parties involved.

Payback: The financial gains in a client, after all cost, including OPD-HCD™ costs.

Performance agreement: An agreement a person makes with themselves, in front of the team leader, that they seek to be successful in their work life, and in the job they currently occupy.

Performance contract: An agreement between a team leader and a person, that the agreed ideal actions in a role specification offer greatest chance of greatest success.

Proactive HR: HR systems and processes that adds profits and not merely protects current profits while being a cost burden on those profits. OPD-HCD™ is the most direct proactive HR available.

Refunds: There are no refunds by OPDI or by an OPDI Business Partner.

Role specification: Begins with assigned KPIs, derived from strategy. The role specification then defines the ideal actions derived from the KPIs by applying the goal-action principle. This base is then used to build the time budget, which includes the amount of time/week or moths that must be devoted to an ideal action. The time budget is then adopted by the person as their personal game plan for managing themselves at work.

Strategy: The direction of the organization. OPD-HCD™ then aligns all daily staff conduct to enable greatest chance of greatest strategic success. Within OPD-HCD™ the start of the goal cascade is a short strategic statement (400-600 word) of who the organization seeks to serve what it seeks to do for them, the cost of the service, the returns from service delivery, and the funding of the service.

Spiritual model of humanity: The fundamental scientific general theory of psychology offering the only scientific understanding of people, accounting for characteristics, outputs and offering insight into how to mange the crucial variables to most influence characteristics and outputs. The only understanding that scientifically accounts for CSR Policy via the Ashby diagram {people (at work) in their life} hence fully accounts for the role of CSR Policy of resolving any tension between 'citizens and employees'. The Ashby diagram is OPD-HCD™ nested in the spiritual model of humanity.

Team performance component of an HCM: The relationships should be evident. OPD-HCD™ is not a full HCM system it is the performance component of such a system. Frequently a small component, but the only component that is truly a proactive HR driver.

Termination: The completion of OPD-HCD™ in a client. The client and Business partner then discuss ongoing support, refer continuation.

Time budget: Derived from the role specification. It has included the amount of time each ideal action likely to take, thus has a major impact of the weekly diary of the person, whether they use a diary or not.

Top of mind: an important role for the team leader is to exchange with team members assisting them keep ideal actions top of mind.

What OPD-system achieves for a client:

  1. Financial payback and proactive HR beyond that provided by any other system.
  2. Deepened people satisfaction.
  3. Focus of team leaders on management, defined as getting the direction right in mind of everyone in the team.
  4. Intrinsic motivation development, as people find they succeed more by adopting and following the process of OPD-HCD™ then they adopt it more.
  5. A level of coherence and integration not achieved by any other system.
  6. Enables senior leadership to stay abreast of what the community is thinking, and thus stay ahead of issues of sustainability, conservation.
  7. Provides a tight tool to enable changes in strategic direction.
  8. Builds innovation at a 'grass roots' level, increasing organization flexibility and responsiveness.
  9. Offers senior leadership peace of mind that as a tool, OPD-HCD™ enables greatest chance of greatest success at ensuring the right things done at the right time to the right standard.

Citizen work focus and engagement while building a free, diverse, peaceful society

These additional comments complete the overview of the spiritual model of humanity as it applies to the complexity of modern society where it is difficult if not impossible for an employee to isolate 'work', 'community', 'government', 'injustice', 'sustainability', 'climate', into tight and tidy mental boxes that do not interact.

Due to very poor ideas of Marx, Freud, Rosseau, being so rampant, and citizens feeling aggrieved at historical wrongs ... of inequality, dismissive disrespect by governing agencies, and what is perceived as passive tolerant attitude by Police and Courts ... free diverse, peaceful society is stumbling and failing to serve those intended to be served. Below our initial unravelling of the complexity [community of {people (at work) in their life}].

If anyone seeks long term stability of wealth creation as in profits, committed and relaxed employees, in a diverse, free democracy, balanced and reasoned decisions by communities on climate, and sustainability, then we see the deep, fully scientific analysis we adopt as the only path forward.

Fundamental moral questions: A causality factors in a free democratic society begin with crucial issues of economics and social structure being promoted by economic governance and by academe. Citizens then accepting the proposals, and governments then following citizen lead. If economic and academic governance do not understand what they are doing in the sense of serving the greater needs of society, then a free society will collapse into fragmented conflict and bitter rivalries.

There is no society in history that has succeeded in doing what is being sought in the west, hence all historical writing while of interest offers no apt or adequate ideas of how to proceed. We are left to our own reasoning and judgement.

There are two moral questions, they must be answered by economic governance and academe:

1. Do we seek a diverse, stable, society of freedom, defined as the rights of the individual asserted over the rights of the group?

2. Should people serve the economy, of the economy serve people?

We must proceed on the understanding that the start point is with economic and academic governance accepting their fiduciary duty to the greater good of society, with economic governance making much greater effort at resolving citizen's concerns on inequality, which will mean reduced profit and reduced 'shares for those favoured', and academic governance making vastly greater effort at assessing the intellectual quality of human thought.

Social fiduciary duty of governance: Avoid acting selfishly. Ensure fair wealth distribution. Ensure all deals judged 'just'. Failure means citizens arrive at work to be 'employees', with adverse mindset of social economic injustice eroding focus and commitment.

It is proven that the best process of social wealth creation is the entrepreneur. But, without staff, any idea lies inactive. The entrepreneur and 'workers' contribute equally to a successful viable enterprise. Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations (1776) established the social model of wealth creation. What all intellectuals and analysists failed to grasp is that the priority book of Adam Smith was his 1769 book, Theory of Moral Sentiments in which he argued the crucial social ethics of those in positions of authority across society must bring ethically to account concern for the greater good of society, not merely a self-serving ethic of ensuring the best for themselves. This ethical responsibility of governance of the economy was totally ignored until the global financial crash circa 2008-2014.

Today, this fiduciary duty of economic governance appropriately expressed by ensuring citizens get a fair share of wealth they contributed to creating, combined with expressed resistance to government who seek to impose on citizens limitations to citizen freedoms, or other acts of regulation or legislation likely to generate social angst in significant sections of society. If governance does not assume this broader fiduciary duty to society, then continued resistance from citizens over issues of 'inequality', will continue and likely escalate thus eroding performance at work.

Social fiduciary duty of academics: Maintain intellectual quality ideas being adopted and applied in search of a better life experience for all.

Peer review is a complete failure and allows for the continuation of ideas as 'scientific' when they are not, never were and never will be. Academe has failed its clear and direct fiduciary duty to citizens by not building a process that does, unequivocally protect the intellectual quality of ideas, and so ensures humanity applying ideas of the highest intellectual quality. Such an intellectual quality process is available in strategic science, a process to establishing the verisimilitude of ideas and providing assurance the ideas are fit for application in building a better life experience. The verisimilitude of both Marxism, and Freudian psychology and such historic writers as Rousseau, is so low as to make them or any derivative exceptionally poor choices for enhancing life, with all leading to destructive, divisive, social conduct.

Ideas of extremely low verisimilitude and extremely high destructive force offer to citizens gains from society and the economy, that if those ideas really implemented society would collapse. Any resistance from authority perceived as the authority protecting itself. Such ideas must be intellectually invalidated, along with the meeting the grievances of citizens, so at least most citizens are willing to speak out against extreme behavior, and not partly acquiesce.

Social justice: Diversity is defined as having a neighbour one abhors, every aspect of their life and family if an anathema to one. But no conduct outside the law. There is no choice but to 'roll along' with civility and the best respect one can muster. Such is referred to as workable compromise.

Distributiveness fairness: Citizens today are largely well informed. They are aware of the naive social ownership of Marx does not work. Aware that not all people are equal, and do not pursue such shallow and inadequate ideas. But there is a range of wealth inequality judged 'acceptable', and a range of privilege based on networks again judged acceptable. People today have a sense of 'fair' and 'just' in return for effort.

It is crucial that it is not government that acts to address citizen grievances over wealth inequality. There is no long-term stability in solutions to fair play being driven by legislation. All long-term solutions must come from economic governance deciding and acting in line with

Adam Smith's analysis of 1769, that those with positions of power and privilege in society act with an eye to the greater good of society.

Just society: Imagine every deal done in society, say a marriage settlement, so every deal, not merely commercial deals. Now imagine it was a fair deal, with both parties satisfied, at peace with the deal, with no ongoing angst or rancour. Now, imagine if everyone else in society agreed it was a fair deal. All citizens in society were at peace with the deal, willing to go forward without angst or rancour, and happy to do a deal with the person again in the future. Such a deal is referred to as a Just deal.

A just society is a society where every deal is just deal.

The greatest concern surrounds commercial deals, such as 'buying' special science reports to justify and support some product when others have significant and well-reasoned point of view it is unsafe.

It is beholden on economic governance to adopt tighter and clearer ethics in management of such deals. What is crucial to the long-term stability of the society, is not the issues of the deal, But the social role modelling exhibited by those in position of governance authority in society.

It is the issue raised by Adam Smith in his 1769 book. If such privileged and socially significant people conduct themselves in a self-serving and often brutally dismissive, uncaring manner, for a long enough period, then what is to be expected of the ethics and norms adopted by average citizens. And society falls into tense, fractious disarray, with cries for government to 'fix' it, which they can only do via enacting laws and regulations involving social compliance and deference to those in authority in contradiction to moral choice 1, above.