Building community wealth and health: Achieving a wealthier and fairer society by Graham Little
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Key words

Economic success, community wealth, business success, HR in community wealth, role of HR in society, the behavioral structure of society, social analysis of socialism, social analysis of capitalism, applying science to society, social justice, economic justice, fairness, wages versus profits, why people feel disenfranchised, recognition of talent, reward for skill, moral foundations, ethical constraints, work life balance, rule of law, social culture, multiculturalism, scientific theory of society, economic structure of society, social equations and fairness, commercial risk versus social stability, managing corruption, improved social science

Building community wealth and health: Achieving a wealthier and fairer society.

(Redesigning the organization volume 6)

People are our greatest resource; Building community wealth and health outlines how we make it so.

Workers of the world unite. Use the passionate slogan of Marx, to throw off the feudal yoke that creates the sense of servitude causing people to occupy Wall Street and the civic square. But use it within the thoroughly constructed scientific understanding of society offered here. Society is created by us and if it does not fully serve us then in democracy we can redesign it. In democracy, the politicians will and must follow our lead.

By applying well defined intellectual scientific tools for theory creation and analysis in social science, you will understand why many people are unengaged with their work, and why 'motivation' is such a topic in business. We may be wealthy as a nation yet many communities are poor. Then applying the same tools you will see how we can build a fairer balance of wealth between communities creating a fairer, wealthier and healthier society.

We can better govern our communities and wrest control of wealth creation from 'feudal like' masters and place it firmly in our own hands linking our economic destiny to our community efforts. We can take control of the wealth and health of our communities to the benefit of all not just to the benefit of a few.

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